Monday, March 2, 2020

Prompts for LP 7: Studio Art

Concepts: ceramics (glazes), Photoshop (combining images, post production), printmaking (stencils and block prints), painting (layers, brushes, details)  and Illustration (perspective and ink)

Artists: Mark Ryden, Salvador Dali
Movements: surrealism, pop realism

1.  Finish your Hero project and print it on poster paper or a t-shirt for critique

2.  Enter the California streaming digital Photography contest:  use the link below.  I have a teacher registration and can help submit all work this week.  Deadline is Friday the 6th.  Prize is a Go Pro camera.

3.  Continue to work on your layered painting for 30 minutes a class x 10 classes. I will start to offer new canvases to students that I judge to be more finished than others.  We are only on our 4th class session this week.

4.  Try a surrealist composition in the style of Ryden or Dali.  Mixed media is fun and you should test different techniques on printed and digital medium.  Consider painting a larger section of the wall to satisfy this prompt or partnering up for a larger canvas and sharing the work with a friend who has a similar vision.

5.  Send your coffee cup to the kiln but take a photo first and try to plan some of the glaze in Photoshop.  We will get them back by Friday the 16th and need to spring into action and glaze quickly.

6.  continue printmaking and use your advanced illustrations to plan block prints or softcuts or foam prints or stencils in layers.  -step up your game and challenge yourself to modify existing designs instead of copying another artists work entirely.  make various colors of your prints and sign and number them for our art show at the end of the year.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

lp 6 critique

We are trying a new format for our critiques:

Use this link to fill out three forms for 3 different artists.  I will add to the form next time but I think this will allow mature artists to get better feedback.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Prompts for LP 6: Studio Art

Artist: Diego Rivera
Skills: mural painting, ceramics, printmaking, watercolor
movements: Realism/ Nationalism/ Socialism

1.  Learn about the life of Diego Rivera: begin to study the intense political movements that surrounded him as an artist.  Plan a painting on a larger scale by drawing the scene in miniature on a transparency.  Try to interpret a symbol or use symbolism in your painting.  (I like seeing you guys work in groups and partners)

2.  Hero Project: continue from last month: consider using your finished work in the MOPA contest, Del Mar Fair, or California Digital Streaming Contest.  Create a painted or handmade layer over a reference image in Photoshop and stylize your work so that you can throw away the photo below.  Create a reversed image on an iron-on so that you can apply your design to a t-shirt after you print a poster.

3.  Ceramics: make a coffee mug out of clay........but first research some really cool versions of mugs.  You can make a pour-over coffee filter if you prefer.  This takes a month to get back from the kiln so plan your glazes and add cool details.  These can also be entered into the Del Mar Fair.

4.  Stencil for Spray-paint or subtractive Print: make a stencil that you can use some spray-paint with. or.............create print that uses the subtractive method.  Plan three layers to carve and print on different colored background paper.
Ask Mat for help and use a carving tool for linoleum or softcut.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Prompts for LP 5: Studio Art

Artist : Matisse, Dali
Skills: Paper cutout and various paper making and sculpture techniques.
Concepts: abstraction, surrealism

1.  Continue to finish or modify your sculpture to present at the end of the learning period in a couple weeks.  If you made a miniature, plan a mid sized bust in femo or paper mache-use interesting materials (mixed media)

2.  Work with paper in a 3 dimensional way.  Try to avoid tracing out your lines before you cut and plan a  composition in paper like Henri Matisse.  Continue to mix media and layer materials like paint and string and cardboard to finish your piece.

3.  design a t-shirt based on a portrait of a person you admire/ Hero or Legend t-shirt.  Find a reference of an artist that you admire or a personal hero.  Build a t-shirt design that allows you to explore the features of Photoshop and layer things like text accordingly.  Reverse your image and prepare for an 8 1/2 x 11 print that can be placed on a white t-shirt.  spend part of each class working with your image to print the last day of the critique. export a jpeg to Mat's flash drive and print your transfer.

-Cliff Burton  -Babayaga  -Micheal Cera  -Bruce Wayne -Dorian Electra
-Bjork  -Hercules   -Peter Parker   -Snow White  -Hades  -The Flash Barry Allen
-Princess Lea  -Allen Grant  -Starlord